Glycerine For Face, Skin And Body Care

 Mystiq Living vegetable glycerine is colorless and odorless, and the texture is like a silky syrup. To the touch, it is non-greasy. It’s a water-soluble humectant that grabs moisture and pulls it into the skin, so it spreads best when added to water. It works really well on damp skin—we recommend trying Glycerin after a warm shower before towelling skin, or as a leave-in conditioner on wet hair.

Why Glycerine -  Vegetable Glycerin contains many moisturizing properties that help improve oily skin blackheads and acne. This makes it the perfect ingredient for facial cleansers. Eliminates dandruff and dry, flaky scalp. Glycerin helps in strengthening the hair leading to less formation of split ends. The glycerin will be more effective if you add a few drops of essential oils in it.

Product price:-Rs. 299.00


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